Best ETFs for Roth IRAs


Triston Martin

Dec 23, 2023

Walk with me on this: You’ve been invited to your friend’s baby shower. First on the list is to scour malls for the best and most unique gifts available. Baby shops offer essential items such as formula, diapers, feeding bottles, and probably cute strollers. It would be best if you had a more comprehensive gift for your friend, so you get an idea. Why not create a personalized baby gift set that you can present to your friend that will leave all the other guests shamed?

This short analogy represents what ETFs are and the advantage they bring when being considered for Roth IRAs. Exchange-Traded Funds contain an array of assets, such as stocks and bonds. They are low-risk due to diversification. So, in case your friend receives a white feeding bottle and you’ve brought the same in your basket, at least you have a pouch full of safe baby baths or an ingenious toy game.

The advantages of investing in a Roth IRA are multifaceted. One, since the investments you make are taxed, deposits become non-taxable. If the IRA is inherited, your heirs don’t need to pay tax on their legal right; they receive it in full. Second, Roth IRAs do not require a fixed number of withdrawals. You can continue saving unabated until retirement and even during retirement. Third, Roth IRAs are progressive. If you feel your income may steadily increase in the future, this retirement plan is perfect because of the tax-free withdrawals that come with Roth IRAs.

Roth IRAs require both cost-effectiveness and low risk as imperative before any consideration. A few questions to ask yourself before settling for an ETF as your choice for the Roth IRA:

  1. What is the underlying index?
  2. What is the average volume?
  3. What are the speeds?

Basically, you’d want a long-term ETF, which means that the risk is spread over more extended periods of time, and the returns could increase superlatively. However, some investors feel that investing in shorter-term ETFs could be the best bet because the risk is significantly lowered. It also provides the investors with the freedom of review after some time, such as a financial year. Whichever option rocks your boat works just fine because, in the special case of Roth IRAs, both security and safety predominantly count.

Perhaps by the end of this article, you will be better informed of the type of investment you should make for your retirement plan. Here are some of the best (in our opinion) ETFs for your Roth IRA:

BKLC – BNY Mellon US Large Cap Core Equity ETF

As of the time of writing this article, the price of the BKLC was $79.70, with a daily change of -1.69. The price fluctuates periodically, even within seconds, just like stocks do, so it is paramount to be vigilant when purchasing this ETF.

The BKLC tracks the Morningstar US Large-Cap IndexSM.

The speeds for this particular ETF are tight, which makes it a good investment option for a Roth IRA.

FTEC – Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index

The FTEC trades at about $108.68 currently, with a change of about -2.90%. If you are looking for an ETF that leans more toward the technology industry, FTEC might be your best option. Since its inception, Information Technology has seen a rise in investments, and the trend isn’t stopping any time soon.

FTEC tracks the weighted index of stocks in the US technology industry. It performs so well in terms of tradability that out of a possible 5, it was rated 5; this means that trading a fixed amount of FTEC is extremely easy.

With an average daily volume of approximately $39M, FTEC continues to prove that it is perhaps one of the most evolving and timeless ETFs available currently.

VOO – Vanguard S&P 500 ETF

This particular ETF tracks stocks in the S&P 500 index, meaning that investors get to pool their resources into one diversified basket and get to do it into one of the best options. The S&P 500 index covers 500 of the largest U.S. companies.

VOO is one of the best options for your Roth IRA, as these companies have built a lifetime of trust and confidence from their clients, which is unlikely to change any time soon. With a market cap of about $42.4 trillion, the Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) flaunts success perpetually.

With a market price of $382.79 and a change of about -2.84%, VOO has an expense ratio of 0.03% and continues to be one of the best ETFs to consider for your retirement plan.

MBB – iShares MBS

MBB has an expense ratio of 0.06% and costs about $98.82, with a daily change of about 0.31%. This could be your next investment option, considering its net assets are approximately $21B. If you are looking for an ETF that comprises a domestic mortgage-backed bond, then MBB is the best ETF for your Roth IRA.


Basically, what you’re looking for in an ETF that will save you money for your retirement plan is one that is both long-term and low-maintenance. An EFT already provides you with the benefit of diversification, so with whichever one you choose, you will have diversified profits and, similarly, diversified losses. In business, having losses that are distributed is a good thing because you will still have profits elsewhere that could cover your losses, unlike having a centralized, singular cause of loss.

EFTs also provide investors with a chance to buy into already established companies’ stocks, such as Apple (Apple Inc. - AAPL), Microsoft (Microsoft Corp. – MSFT), and Coca-Cola (KO). Ultimately, the best thing to do would be to speak to a financial analyst and do personal research before settling on your preferred EFT.

We’ve compiled this table for your review of the most profitable ETFs for your Roth IRA:





















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